Mobile Technology Slides
To help people understand and communicate the current state of mobile technology we've put together a set of slides showing relevant statistics. If you would like to use the charts and slides as part of your own presentations to colleagues and clients then please go ahead and download them in the format that is best for you.
The slides include statistics on smartphone penetration, mobile OS web browsing and also some finer details – for example, did you know that Macedonia has the highest rate of mobile internet use on Android devices? We didn't until we collated these statistics!
Another interesting set of statistics, which also affects the work we do here at Braw Solutions, is how the predominant mobile OS for web browsing changes from region to region. In North America iOS accounts for the largest share of web browsing, in Europe it is much more of an equal split between iOS and Android, and in Asia Android has the largest share but the market is more fragmented.
Please note: Each slide states the source of the data so if you're incorporating our slides into your own presentation then please reference the original source.
If you have any comments about the slides then please get in touch via our contact form or email us at